We all know the importance and value of the internet in disseminating messages. And if those messages are practical, entertaining and economical, they should be shared to a broader audience.

And that is exactly what we at greenz.jp is trying to achieve. How can we share our unique Japanese ways of thinking, knowledge and practices to accelerate the adoption of sustainability ? Probably, the most simple way is to collaborate with like minded media and share content.

So we’ve teamed up with Metropolis, the No.1 English magazine in Tokyo, Japan with distribution of 30,000 copies and Japan Today, a Tokyo-based online newspaper, featuring all the latest news on Japan and the world, including national, political, entertainment, business, technology and sports news.

“Less is More” – From Tokyo Metropolis

Whether it’s OLs whipping out their own chopsticks at lunchtime or drivers fretting about the eco credentials of their next cars, awareness and interest in green living have been on the rise. People are more likely to put their yen toward greener options if they can see a direct personal benefit, like cost efficiency, and a greater social value, like saving the environment.

When we try to make greener choices, the decisions seem to be based on three kinds of values and ideas.

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“Food for Thought . Future of Food” – From Japan Today INSIGHT

Over the past few years, there has been unprecedented media coverage and resulting community interest generated around the issue of food security in Japan. This has been fueled by scandals such as those arising from scandals like the case of the Chinese dumplings poisoning and “Jikomai” (damaged rice). As a result, many consumers are shifting their choices to healthier, domestically (or locally) produced food or even to growing their own vegetables in veranda gardens. Despite these individual efforts and increasing eco-consciousness, Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate is only 40% – shamefully the lowest amongst of the developed nations (Australia- over 200%, USA-132%, France 139% etc). But what’s more frightening is the fact (which many people do not know ) that self-sufficiency rate of Tokyo is 1% (From the 2007 MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) survey of all prefectures in Japan.

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